Friday, June 21, 2024

BOOK REVIEW: Monster Hunter International

This book is a rip-roaring action slug-fest that doesn't pull punches, that drives the characters through hell and back.

Monster Hunter International book cover
Amazon / Kobo

*4.5 STARS*
Military Fantasy 

If you've been in the workforce long enough, you will probably eventually end up with a boss that rages like a beast, but few end up with one that is an actual beast. In this case: a Werewolf. But CPA Owen Zastava Pitt does, and after he has a gruesome, no-holds barred fight to the death, he tosses his boss out the fourteenth-story office window. It's presumed that Owen's next performance review won't go over so well. While Owen nearly dies from his wounds, it turns out there is a whole lot more in store for this paper pushing accountant who is just trying to be normal.

But normal isn't good for survival. And when the fate of the world is at stake, it's a good thing that "Z" (as his friends call him) decides to join Monster Hunter International. An elite organization of monster hunters. Because, as it turns out, pretty much all of the myths and legends we've ever heard of—whether it be werewolves, vampires, or orcs and elves—end up as true. 

But they also end up as nothing in comparison to what is about to happen. 

Listen to the Book Review

Other Links: Youtube, Bitchute, Odysee

Monster Hunter International (book one of the series) is inventive, fun, clever. This is a great piece of modern-day military fantasy playing with age-old monster tropes. Highly recommended. Be warned that it is not for the faint of heart: there is plenty of blood and guts flying about, and a little bit of profanity. But hey, what do you expect when you are confronted by legions of the undead, giant flying stone gargoyles, and Master Vampires that can move faster than you can shoot?

The action sequences are intense, inventive, and there are a LOT of them, but in a good way.

The interactions with the Federal Agents from the Monster Control Bureau serve as an interesting plot device as the characters have to deal with government intrusion into their business. So, not only does MHI have to effectively save the world, they have to do it with the government breathing down their necks and getting in the way. Makes the story a little bit extra-relevant for anyone that has paid attention to the government overreach of recent years.

While Z is a crack shot, a bruiser, and a big guy that might normally be pegged as the brute of the bunch, he is analytical, and ends up with some interesting psychic powers. There is astral-projection, reliving an evil maniac's age-old memories, and a peculiar Old Man that seems to live in Owen's sub-conscious, and yet is able to effect things (at times) in the real world to interesting results.

One of the only complaints I have about the book is with the romantic subplot. Z has a big crush on someone, and while his interest is well telegraphed, the return interest is first. The lady in question is expressly not interested and has a boyfriend she is apparently committed to. Though he is a pretentious Hollywood-style douche bag. So you know she'll come around eventually to Z's interests. The problem is that when she does the timing comes across as inappropriate. Yes, they all just died, and then undied—No. No. I'm not ruining that one, you'll have to read it for yourself—and the world is possibly about to come to an end if they can't prevail against an unstoppable evil force, so the prospect of death and never being able to utter her true feelings to Z are of course a decent motivation for the ill-timing, but it could have been done a little better. Small complaint. No big deal.

TRIGGER WARNING: As in there are a lot of triggers...and bullets, and guns. Oh yes, all kinds of guns. In such detail and breadth that if you aren't a gun nut, you won't know what four-fifths of these things are. But you probably stop looking them up by the third gun mentioned, because the story pulls you forward, and you just trust in the author's ability to paint a picture for you. But then, if all of these triggers bothers you, I'm not sure how else you'd think to fight off legions of the undead, giant stone gargoyles that can play can-opener with armored vans, and worse! Perhaps call 9-1-1, hope your local police department wasn't defunded, and responds faster than it takes for some unsavory character to commit untold atrocities upon you?

Yeah, that doesn't sound like a good idea.

No, you do what a red-blooded American does. You unleash hell and fight.


*Ahem* Where was I? Oh, yes. That's exactly what Z does.

So, if you want big conflict, lots of action, lots of guns, the Supernatural, and end of the world scenarios, Monster Hunter International is a fun read.

4.5 out of 5 silver-tipped bullets for this one.

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Monday, April 22, 2024

The Long Awaited Release of Kip's Return (Kip the Quick, Book II)

Exciting news. Kip has returned. The book is finally out! I've been itching to share this with you for far too long. Click here to get it now! 


“…I really dragged out the Epilogues because I didn't want to be done. I really enjoyed the book, and I like how the Epilogues keep me looking forward to Book 3” 

"Loving the 'trouble' Kip is getting into. ”


I started writing Kip's adventures in Texas, when we lived there for a year. Life was full of upheaval after moving cross-country from California with two young children and no one in the area to help. My wife took on extra tasks like a trooper, never complaining, even when my work hours included night shifts in downtown Dallas. Finding time to write amidst the move, new jobs, and an entirely new area was quite the challenge. But one story idea that came to mind and stuck was a witty rascal of a thief in a dry hot land ravaged regularly by terrible storms. He wanted out of this hell hole, and he was willing to lie, cheat, and steal to do so. Thinking about others wasn't high on his list, but when the heist of a lifetime landed in his lap with an opportunity to flee this bastion of suffering, his friends helped him out—putting themselves in deep peril in the process. To keep them safe, Kip found himself challenged with the making the ultimate choice.

Now the sequel is out, and ready for you. It's over three times as long as the first, with more characters, more mystery, and more fun action to dig your teeth into.

Sign up for the newsletter to stay informed of any sales for this book and for the next one. I also include my short and exciting Seeking the Veil fantasy adventure series for free for all newsletter sign-ups.

Back Cover Copy:

Kip is a Wanted Man. By the law and by a psychopath. What’s a good thief to do? 

Returning to Tander after a year away, Kip seeks to escape and lay low. When he finds the dark consequences of his past actions, he falls into a deadly game of cat and mouse with a mercenary seeking to satisfy a blood debt. Perhaps it would be better to just keep on running, but Kip can’t leave his friends behind. Not this time. 

He must use all of his skill, his charm, and his wit to uncover a plot that will bring disaster to Tander, right past wrongs, and maybe find himself another spot of the Essence—the stuff of magic and legend. 

 Kip’s Return is a fantasy adventure full of excitement, humor, and friendship.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Kip's Return (Kip the Quick, Book II)

A witty fantasy adventure that will blow you away.

"I didn't want to be done [with the book.]"

Sign up for the Newsletter for FREE stories.

kip's return, book cover
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KIP'S RETURN (Kip the Quick, Book II)

Kip is a Wanted Man. By the law and by a psychopath. What’s a good thief to do? 

Returning to Tander after a year away, Kip seeks to escape and lay low. When he finds the dark consequences of his past actions, he falls into a deadly game of cat and mouse with a mercenary seeking to satisfy a blood debt. Perhaps it would be better to just keep on running, but Kip can’t leave his friends behind. Not this time. 

He must use all of his skill, his charm, and his wit to uncover a plot that will bring disaster to Tander, right past wrongs, and maybe find himself another spot of the Essence—the stuff of magic and legend. 

 Kip’s Return is a fantasy adventure full of excitement, humor, and friendship.
515 pages | paperback
Amazon Kindle


“…I really dragged out the Epilogues because I didn't want to be done. I really enjoyed the book, and I like how the Epilogues keep me looking forward to Book 3”

"Loving the 'trouble' Kip is getting into. ”


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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

New Fantasy Adventure - Kip's Return. Book Cover Reveal!

My novel, Kip's Return, is nearly ready to release. Should be any day now, and no later than the end of the month. Stay tuned for the date and subscribe to my newsletter to find out when it goes on sale for my awesome readers.

And here is the book cover reveal... Poor Kip, he looks a little flummoxed.

Kip's Return (Kip the Quick, Book II) book cover

Kip is a Wanted Man. By the law and by a psychopath. What’s a good thief to do?

Returning to Tander after a year away, Kip seeks to escape and lay low. When he finds the dark consequences of his past actions, he falls into a deadly game of cat and mouse with a mercenary seeking to satisfy a blood debt. Perhaps it would be better to just keep on running, but Kip can’t leave his friends behind. Not this time.

He must use all of his skill, his charm, and his wit to uncover a plot that will bring disaster to Tander, right past wrongs, and maybe find himself another spot of the Essence—the stuff of magic and legend.

Kip’s Return
is a fantasy adventure full of excitement, humor, and friendship.


If you haven't read the first book yet, you can find it here.

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Drink in Toulon - A Kip the Quick Short Story Adventure

Kip the Quick is a thief and a rogue, but he wants to go legit. Really, he does. So, when he meets with a nobleman to talk trade, all is fine and dandy until someone comes knocking. Loudly. And violently. Where’s a good spot of the Essence, when you really need some?


A Drink in Toulon (A Kip the Quick short story adventure) cover

Click here to start reading on my Substack site. No logon needed. This is where I've decided to house my short fiction for the foreseeable future. A Drink in Toulon is 7 parts, and now complete! I'd encourage you to subscribe to my Substack as well to get future stories right away.

A Drink in Toulon takes place a few months after the events of Kip the Quick. And if you read the first book, then you might just imagine what could happen in this short story. It's fun, exciting, and waiting to steal your breath away.

If you haven't read the first book, you can find it here, and watch for the amazing sequel coming soon!

Happy reading!

Friday, March 8, 2024

A New Short Story of Dark Fantasy

I'm getting ready to post a short story to SubStack. And when I say short story, I mean a LONG short story. About 10k words. I've been sitting on this story for years. If I had the time and interest I could keep sending out queries, but I'd rather just get it in front of readers. And I like the option to monetize Substack in the future and put it behind a Paywall instead of eternally for free on my blog.

mysterious pathway through forest
Travel a new path with me soon.

Check out to find the story soon - Child of Iron. And read it while it is still free. It is dark fantasy, a little bit of grim dark with a splash of the epic fantasy. The question of the story is what happens when a young boy is pushed to his utter limit. How will he respond when a newfound power manifests within? Will he rise to the occasion? Stand strong against evil? Or will he succumb to the dark fascination of power?

All of this is leading up to posting a Kip the Quick short story that takes place between book 1 and the upcoming sequel, Kip's Return. And yes, I've been quiet on the blog for a very long time. Well, it's because I've been hard at work. And the fruit of that work will finally be revealed.

I'd be lying if I wasn't nervous to share. It's an old story. I wrote it back in 2010. If you've been a long time follower, you may have even read the first part ages back. Well, the full short story will finally be revealed. Stay tuned...

*Image Credit: jplenio on Pixabay

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Plotting Purgatory. I'm Stuck - Just Write - 012 Brainstorm Podcast

In episode 12, I analyze why I got stuck writing my newest project (codename: Dragons, for now...) I violated some of my inner understanding of my own writing process, and though I've stubbornly tried to push through anyway, I'm finally taking a step back to reevaluate. Little surprise, I'm spending too much time trying to Outline/Plot the project, when I don't even sufficiently "know" my characters yet.

Other Links: Youtube, Bitchute, Odysee

So, I'll analyze what works for me and what doesn't and hopefully this will help you in your own writing pursuits.

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Monday, June 7, 2021

Gripey Rant. I'm a Picky Reader - 011 Brainstorm Podcast

In episode 11, it's time for a good ole-fashioned rant about being a picky reader, and why I stop reading a lot of books. 

Other Links: Youtube, Bitchute, Odysee

I get stuck on this need for the right balance of character and plot. We always need strong characters. That's largely how we connect with a book through our shared human experience. It's also why series do so well, when they follow some of the same characters around that we have gotten to know so well. But for me, I don't want my story to become subsumed by this wandering experience in the life of a character with little appearance of plot giving structure. I certainly don't want the character to change who they are because of plot restrictions, create awkward illogical rationale for why someone is doing something...just because the plot dictates. And a major fantasy novel by an indie writer did just that for me. Let's examine.

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Monday, May 24, 2021

Infinity War Review, Comic Nerd & Kip 2 Progress - 010 Brainstorm Podcast

In episode 10, we discuss my thoughts on Marvel's Infinity War, and why it had a major story flaw. I was invested as a kid in the Marvel universe, by collecting multiple comic book series that still sit in boxes stored away growing dust to this day. I also lament the slow progression of Kip the Quick book 2.

Other Links: Youtube, Rumble, Bitchute

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Fantasy Novel Reading: Kip the Quick - 009 Brainstorm Podcast

 In Episode 9, I read a chapter of my fantasy adventure novel, Kip the Quick, as Kip does research and sets out to pull together his team for the heist that started it all. And I tell of how the idea for Kip the Quick came in Texas: the crazy storms there inspiring me to a fantasy world where the orphan and rascal, Kip, was a witty thief that talked nearly as fast as he stole.

 Book 2 is coming soon, and the books are part of a planned trilogy.

Other Links: Youtube, Rumble, Odysee

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