Friday, July 3, 2015


Appears I went dark again. Fancy that. But hey, I want to write fiction, not keep a blog. So, I make no apologies and am hard at work on new stories. A 6000 word short is finished that I call The Essence, based in a new world (not Hammerblood) that I've been kicking around for a few years. I'm wondering if I should send it around for some magazines to consider, it has a good hook and ends with a punch.

I'm also admittedly ambivalent on trying to figure out a piece of art to front it with.

Another short is brewing in the brain, same world, bit of a heist with a clever, spunky chap as the headline. I'm anxious to get onto the next novel, but I'm trying to get enough interest together to fix some of the technical problems with the kindle uploads on the current work first. (Curse the need to do everything yourself. Need me some non-union worker monkeys.)

Amazon was quite responsive when I e-mailed them regarding the flaw/oddity in the start location. They actually replied and said they fixed the issue. I have yet to check, but am surprised I even got a response. Perhaps horrified that I was the one bringing it to their attention, but hey, it's dealt with, right? The Kobo ePub uploads didn't have the same kind of issue. Surprise, surprise. But most of you have probably identified that the kindle format is a tad quirky.

Of some gratification: I'm ranked about 1800 in the Kobo store, in Fantasy I believe... Course that was my ranking immediately after upload. Appears their fantasy selection is a bit slim. Time to change that?

Happy 4th everyone, don't blow up any fingers. And may those of you with young children have an easy time of putting them down for the night amidst all of the exciting explosions happening outside.

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