Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veil of a Warrior

Even a warrior of legend can be hurt.

“And that ending, holy smokes that was frenetic!”

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Epic Battles. An Unknown Power. A Terrible Enemy.

One man leaves everything behind to fight in a war of the centuries. He finds hope in a foreign general, love in a woman as strong as steel, and fear in the mysterious power that he had thought was a blessing.


Hidden away in a secret Order, Hestea can not abide the inaction of his people. When political unrest opens the way, he runs from his father and the incompetent high council to seek his purpose. Hestea tumbles into a world overrun by the dark brotherhood that is the age-old enemy of his people.

The land of Molroun is a fractured place with no king, and the dreaded Saeordin look ready to conquer. Only General Zakea Dormir, his army and the will that he wields to pull Molroun together, can stem the tide from drowning them all.

And as his guard-captain, Hestea will let no one stand in his way.

But the enemy is powerful. Magic will fly, armies will collide, friends will die and the dark magi strike fear with their power.

~560 pages | paperback | in Kindle Unlimited
Amazon Kindle


"So many choose swords. Hestea chose a hammer."
Steve R. Yeager, Author of Raptor Apocalypse

“And that ending, holy smokes that was frenetic!”
—T. Gors, Reader

“...lots of battles both large and small. Plus a terrific, extended finale towards the end.”
Ray Nicholson, Amazon Book Reviewer

“The battles are fierce and well described, the dialogue is intense, and the emotional upheaval is astounding as men go up against all odds to save their homeland. ... Excellent story telling.”
Dianne Bylo, aka Dii, Top 500 Amazon Reviewer, Book Blogger for


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