I’m itching to release my book, Veil of a Warrior. It is done, for all intents and purposes—except for some minor things like a proper glossary, layout design, book cover and maybe an edit or two that I do last minute.
This puts me into an interesting frame of mind where the business side of me says to, “Wait for release,” and the writer side of me says, “Screw that!”
That said, I’ve decided to give a free chapter of my book each week to newsletter subscribers until release. Sign on up: http://eepurl.com/SVhLr
(Writer wins? Maybe. My business side closed the office door and shut the blinds.)
What can I say? I’m impatient to start sharing the world and the characters I’ve created. I’ve labored on this for seven years, growing and evolving as a person, a husband, a father and a writer. I’ve moved cross-country…twice. I’ve been laid off once, had two kids (my wife helped), read some good books, met some awesome people and grown in my world-view.
The book is in Beta 2014, this is the 2nd round and the final round. I’ve run it through beta in 2010, got some great feedback and Veil of a Warrior is ready to see the light of day. I hear good things from my new beta readers. And I hope to hear from you.
Writing the book was the first part of the fun. The next part is the sharing. I like the dialogue, I like the exchange of ideas and the analysis of what works, what doesn’t and why. So, go ahead and say hi, I'm listening.
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