Thursday, May 25, 2017

BOOK REVIEW: Into the Fire (Samantha Kane, Book 1) by Patrick Hester

Detective Samantha Kane just saw a ghost, a werewolf eviscerated her partner, and she burned down a building with magic. But not a bad day…all things considered.

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*3.5 STARS*

Patrick Hester’s full length debut novel is full of the characteristic humor that you’ve grown to love on his multitude of podcasts and in his written word. An admitted fan of Butcher’s Dresden Files (shall we say Devoted Fan?), Detective Samantha Kane’s world is Hester’s own playground built in mimicry of Butcher’s. For fans of the genre he hits all the right points and has his own style and touches to make it authentic.

Read the rest of my review at MYLIFEMYBOOKSMYESCAPE

Author's Book Page
For the person looking to support someone other than the Mighty Zon (Amazon), you can buy non DRM locked content for reasonable prices on Baen’s website

Full Disclaimer: I know the author from online interactions and collaborated on the webcomic with Hester, but this has not factored into my review or rating.

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