Thursday, November 11, 2010


I've never really said what I'm going to do here. I just did a soft launch (shall we say) and wrote whatever I wanted (popped into my head). Likely that will still happen. It's the nature of blogging.

I just want to more-or-less officially put it down in writing, for anyone that saw this blog and wondered, "What's his deal?"

I'm a writer and an artist and I like to review books.



Ok, fine. I have that in the heading of my blog, so no big surprise. Why do I even bother with this post? Is it pure overkill?

Yes and no.

My tag line is only the barest of hints about my blog and I personally find it irritating when a blog is vague and undefined. I don't want to waste my time on a new blog unless there is a common vibe. I've seen many fellow bloggers without any About page, any tag line, mission statement or anything else that makes any attempt at defining what it is they do, like, etc. That's fine of course, but for me at least: I want to know. Yes, I'm nosey, but more accurately, I wonder: How can I truly relate to them, if I don't understand them?

With that said...

I love reading epic fantasy, and a variety of other sub-genre's in the fantasy and sci-fi realm. As a result I have a myriad of ideas and stories tumbling around in my noggin—most of which are trying desperately to escape. I started writing a long time ago, but I never took it seriously. (Strange how that happens to a lot of us.) But I love writing and reading, and finally decided to take the whole thing more seriously a couple years ago.

I'm doing some blogging on SF Signal as a contributor to get my name out there and the experience thus far has been invaluable.

For more (but not too much), I've simply created an About page (accessible here, or at the top of the page).

I also realize that if I talk too much about myself, I'll bore you all to tears and you will never, ever, come back when there is actually something worthy to talk about. I'm no celebrity, and until that day you really don't care what I'm eating for breakfast, or how dirty my car is (very). Ok, that last part makes no sense. A celeb would ALWAYS have a clean car...

Unless they had just crashed into someone.

Anyway...for the bloggers (and others) out there, how do you convey your purpose to others? Or do you bother?


  1. I've been blogging on TFM for over five years now, so I can say with some experience that blogs evolve. Sometimes, the evolution is gradual. Sometimes, it happens overnight. TFM was originally a place for me to b**ch about all the maintenance that needs doing when you have too much house and too few funds. But shortly after that, we had a bunch of extra people move in and the blog became the chronicle of a free-range insane asylum. Later on, I started posting fiction (and anything not tagged "fiction" actually happened!) — first, a few short stories I literally found in a drawer and then a vague thought experiment (FAR Future) turned into a novel.

    Next year, the focus could be something entirely different.

    The other thing that changed is how I post. I used to just throw down whatever I was thinking about at the moment, lots of short posts. Nowadays, I find myself mostly doing fewer and longer posts. I keep saying I'd like to get back to the old style, but I can't seem to do it.

  2. So, in other words: Do whatever you want, whenever, don't worry if anyone is confused, and in fact it may be good if they are. ;-)

    In short I have committed: Overkill.

    Thanks for posting, and I guess I'll just blog away.


Thanks for reading, now tell me what you think.