Some quick thoughts:
Yes, I'm alive. Just buried in the novel. Trying to keep focused on it and finish up the 3rd draft, which for me I'm feeling can start going to Beta. There's still tons to do and tweak, but I've gotten to a point where I want outside input on my imaginings and if it is just amusing to me, or has some ACTUAL standing power.
Hopefully the latter.
I'm running a little over a month late on it per my time schedule. Though it would be nice if I was signed with a publisher and it was late on their schedule, except they'd probably be very annoyed and threatening to pay me NO more and NEVER again. Ahhh, to dream.
Had a great Fourth with family. Our daughter is growing up so fast, it is an ever-increasing joy to see her interract with friends and family.
Now onto the regularly scheduled lack of blogging and back to revising. See you...soon?
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