Friday, October 17, 2014

Shhh... Don't talk about your work

I find myself in an interesting position. My first piece of finished work is up on Amazon, and my book is coming. I plan to talk/publicize about it some. But I just listened to the great Rocking Self Publishing podcast by Simon Whistler w/ author Nathan Lowell. And it is shaping my approach.

This Nathan character is brilliant and fascinating to listen to. I love his simple concept of letting the work (mostly) stand on its own. His marketing advice is minimal and he likes to call it "contrarian", but it is sensible. Word of mouth spreads of its own volition. Yes, granted, it will need a little shove, but if your work is good, once you get that little pebble shoved off the top of a mountain, it will build steam until you have a thoroughly satisfyingly massive avalanche.


Or at least, so goes the theory. It's a theory I like, and I plan to adhere to. Time will tell if it is effective or not. I'm only going to put out work that I'm proud of, so hopefully there is someone else out there that likes it, too.

Hello? Anyone out there?

And not to gloss over, but Nathan also talks about Podiobooks. Lots of good content. It is a long listen, but worth it for the author/creator.

UPDATE - 2/29/2016
Hello from the future! Yes, you in the sweats, you in the tie, and you in the vintage cartoon T-shirt. After (mostly) following this approach, I want to add a VERY strong caveat:

No one will stumble across your work.

There will be no avalanche.

Hopefully that didn't just destroy your hopes of publishing success, if it did, keep listening and pick yourself up off the floor.

Everyone out there is busy. Readers have full Kindles, and no one knows your name. Success will not be had by clicking "publish". Instead success will come from telling people about your work. Not in a blatant roar, not in a mass of tweets every day: Buy my Book! Buy it Please! It's Awesome! I'll Pay You to Read It!

No, not that, but when you run into someone and start talking about books, mention yours, talk about it, give them a free taste if you can. Ask if they like it, to review it.

So yes, don't brandish your book about like a weapon, but make sure you adjust the hilt at your hip, flash a bit of the metal at your reader. Time will build connections, and if the work is good, one day that will all matter.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The short story that became a novelette is up and done. Seeking the Veil, Part 1 is live on Amazon. And the novel is coming in days. Click here to go to the Amazon page.

A young man seeks his purpose in a foreign land. To do something against an age-old enemy. But he is no magus, he has never lifted his war hammer in anger and he must struggle to find his place in a band of unlikely heroes. 
There is humor, friendship, battle, magic and the discovery of a mysterious power that lies within.

Lots to do, so I'll make this brief. The release of the novelette is something of a test run. Seeing how everything works and so on. Good thing my expectations were low, I spent an inordinate amount of time on Amazon last night, trying to tweak the formatting of the short story to look the best it could. Then I see the "Look Inside" rendering isn't even true to the Amazon online preview application.

Bah. Either way, the story is up. I'm happy with the results and now is when the magic starts. I started writing the short stories just a few months ago, but the novel has been brewing in my head for 7 years with story elements churning for decades. As much fun as I've had writing, the best part is sharing. That's when it truly takes its first breath, when it exists apart from me. And that is true magic.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Seeking the Veil Series

Seeking the Veil is a story of adventure, friendship; and the exciting prequel 3-part series to the Epic Fantasy novel Veil of a Warrior.

"Fantastic...", "A really good medieval adventure..."

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seeking the veil, part 1, book cover

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Seek your Purpose, Seek your Power. Seek the Veil.

Young Hestea left his secret home to fight back against an age-old enemy. But he has no power, only the untested warhammer on his back. With his unwitting magi companion Gunter at his side, they seek their destinies in the cold wilds of Beckenburg.

Joining a band of mercenaries, Hestea will struggle to find his place in a group of unlikely heroes; and when all seems lost: discovers a power within, that he can not explain.

~60 pages | $0.99 $0.00
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seeking the veil, part 2, book cover

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Sworn to Secrecy. Life and Death are on the Line.

Hestea's mysterious power defies understanding in the midst of peril, and taciturn Gunter reveals his reason to fight. But when the routine hunt for invading raiders turns dire, the Band of Orangebeard run afoul of bad tidings and Gunter's weakness is revealed.

Vows are called into question and when Orangebeard steers them toward an isolated pass in the great icy Scale, everything is on the line.

~80 pages | $0.99 
Amazon Kindle Apple iBooks Kobo Nook Scribd. inktera 24symbols Wattpad

seeking the veil, part 3, book cover

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Run. Warn. Die.

Follow Hestea and the remnants of the Band of Orangebeard as they flee for their lives in a desperate attempt to warn Becken of what comes. They must struggle to stay together and to stay alive in the cold wilds of Becken, while a terrible power stalks their every move.

Seeking the Veil comes to an exciting culmination, secrets are revealed, and the question of true power and friendship is put to the task.

~110 pages | $1.99
Amazon Kindle Apple iBooks Kobo Nook Scribd. inktera 24symbols


“A really good medieval fantasy adventure...”
“(And) ...a fabulous venture into the world of ... sword and sorcery. (With) atmosphere so intense that it's almost impossible to turn the pages fast enough.”

Ray Nicholson, Amazon Book Reviewer

“The Tension Runs Full Throttle!”
“ Clifton Hill has broken down this tale of Hestea into bite sized morsels that pack all of the punch, wonder and atmosphere of the fantasy world.
—Dianne Bylo, aka Dii, Top 500 Amazon Reviewer, Book Blogger for
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

“Hill paints a very vivid medieval style world, with miniscule details befitting a Martin or Tolkien.”
Lars Teeney, Sci-fi author of “The Apostates”
(Part 1)

“Seeking the Veil is...fantastic...purchase Part 2 immediately so that you can read more of the story.”
Susan Pixley, Amazon Book Reviewer


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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Unveiling the Cover - Hammerblood, Book 1: Veil of a Warrior

I finally have a cover that I feel good about. And the book is coming... (Have I said that anywhere before? Don't answer that.)

I'm still working on the cover for the Short Story and I'm doing some last pass copyedits for the book, but it is all coming together. More to come...