Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goals and Progress

Many times I don't take the time to put anything on the blog because I'm working so hard on the book. Well maybe I'll take a few brief moments to expound on it anyways. I've been so spartan with my blog I haven't even taken the time to tell any would-be readers about myself, despite a blog being a virtual journal and supposedly a view of someone on a personal level. But it was for this very reason I abstained from a blog for many years. I always felt that it would impact my chances of finding a career in art since any would-be employers might have their perceptions of my ability colored by conflicts with my viewpoints. I just wanted my artwork to speak for itself, but the funny thing is that since most jobs (of any real worth) are gotten through networking and word-of-mouth how can I accomplish this without being more open? Besides, no one's going to disagree with me...right?

Anyways, back to the point, I am currently looking for full time work in art (all kinds really, though digital and 3D are my favorites) and my day job is in insurance. I'd like to say it is incredibly rewarding, but not really. It is a job that pays the bills (or at least some of them), and I'm thankful to be employed as I am reminded every time I see the unemployment rate. Too bad I can't give this job to someone else more interested in it and pursue my creative endeavors full time -- Come on LOTTO!! Win big money! Wait...I guess I need to play first, before I can win. Oh-well, hopefully one day. LOTTO winnings or not. But in the meantime I am enjoying writing my novel, even if only part time. The art is taking a bit of a back seat right now, while I'm looking to hopefully increase our financial standing. So onto the novel...